FSC Certified Forests

Permanent URI for this collection

[Link to the platform]

Should you wish to contribute your own GIS boundary map to have your forest displayed, learn more here [link to guide for uploading GIS maps]

Detailed Description

FSC on the Map displays the boundaries of some certified forests which will be regularly updated with newly contributed files. These are provided on an entirely voluntary basis by our certificate holders or FSC partners. If you wish to contribute to the map with new certified locations, please adhere to the following process:

1. Log in to the platform or follow this link to register.

2. Check that your data files meet the data requirements in the provided template (click here to download).

3. To register, read and accept the terms and conditions.

4. Contribution to the map is subject to a license agreement which must be signed by you to ensure authorized use of data by FSC.

5. After you have submitted the data, our qualified staff will validate the correctness of the data as a pre-condition to the publication of the files.

Need more information? A more detailed step by step user manual can be downloaded here


FSC Certified Forests Search Results

Now showing 1 - 1 of 1
  • Thumbnail Image
    Author(s): Pan Pacific
    Publication Year: 2019-08-28
    Publication Type: Dataset, Map
    Access Rights:
    Certification Body:
    Version Number:
    Name of the Company:
    Sponsors: FSC Global Development
    License Code:
    Relevance for FSC Standard Developers:
    Sustainability dimension(s):
    Subject Keywords: Map
    Countries: New Zealand
    Forest Zones: Temperate
    Forest Type: Plantation
    Tenure Ownership:
    Tenure Management: