Pesticides Alternatives
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It is part of FSC’s Pest Management Policy to support derogation holders to phase out the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). To do so, FSC has implemented a database in which interested stakeholders will find alternative strategies/practices/products that have previously been implemented by forest managers. These alternatives have been selected following the 3R principle: Reduction, Replacement, Removal with the ultimate objective of abandoning the use of HHPs.
Pesticides Alternatives Search Results
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Control is based upon the weeds present and the weeds likely to be present, environmental or operational restrictions, soil type and characteristics (fine sand 1st rotation sites tend to blow away with broadcast spraying resulting in top soil erosion and sand blasting of seedlings), topography, site preparation method (spot cultivation, mounding, line marking only), preferred application method (aerial or ground based) and for second year weed control sites the growth already achieved since planting. Under advice from the research section, where practical, expensive and high application rate are used low rate, lower risk and lower cost products can be substituted.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: New ZealandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: GPS Linked Flow Metering. In conjunction with aerial applicators Timberlands Limited are trialling flow metering linked to GPS. If successful this will allow application rates to vary depending on the known plant pest infestation. Therefore rather than applying a rate to control the worst infested areas across the entire site, lower rates can be applied to areas of lower infestation. This will lead to less active ingredient being applied to the site.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: New ZealandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Application Rate Reduction. Timberlands Limited have trialled different rates on the many weed species and infestation levels. This has allowed Timberlands Limited to best select the herbicide and rates for the control required. In most cases this has lead to an active ingredient rate being applied lower than recommended by the pesticide manufacturer and label detail. It should be noted that the rate of Terbuthylazine has reduced from around 20l/ha to between 12 and 15 l/ha over the past 15 years. These trials are continuing in conjunction with the flow metering and Callisto trials.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Reduction of herbicide use for conifer stand establishment by minimizing harvesting site disturbance through training, equipment advances and monitoring.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: New ZealandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Specifically Designed Nozzle Applicators. Timberlands Limited's spray applicator uses nozzles specially designed to minimise drift and maximise the effectiveness of the application, therefore reducing risk and minimising the active ingredient required.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsAlternative Strategy: This guide is designed to provide information for landowners, managers and loggers on the relationship between the risk of introduction of oak wilt (caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum) and the timing of any activities that may wound oaks or leave oak stumps. This guide also provides information on the relationship between various site and stand factors and the expected level of disease impactAlternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Fungus
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Improved targetting of herbicide when applied with aircraft in a forestry application for conifer release and chemical site preparationAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: New ZealandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Chemicals Applied in Non-Liquid Form. Timberlands Limited now purchase a hexazinone and terbuthylazine mix in granular form. This reduces the risks from spillage when transporting and storing. There is also less waste residue. The production of the granular formulation was as a direct request to the pesticide manufacturer from Timberlands Limited to minimise environmental risk.Alternative Method: ReplacementActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Spray Safe Application Trial - An internationally collaborative program of field research to validate an advanced decision support system for use in aerial herbicide application program planning and post-treatment assessmentAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study the effects of early herbaceous and woody vegetation control on Eastern White PineAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed