Pesticides Alternatives
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It is part of FSC’s Pest Management Policy to support derogation holders to phase out the use of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs). To do so, FSC has implemented a database in which interested stakeholders will find alternative strategies/practices/products that have previously been implemented by forest managers. These alternatives have been selected following the 3R principle: Reduction, Replacement, Removal with the ultimate objective of abandoning the use of HHPs.
Pesticides Alternatives Search Results
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Australia and New Zealand, OceaniaCountries: AustraliaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: There seems to be a relationship between phosphate levels in soils and insect pests whereby phosphate deficient soils often have problems with insect attack on trees whereas phospoate rich soils seem to hardly ever need treating. By factoring this into site selection or soil fertilisation stragies it seems possible to forgoe chemcial intervention for insect attack. Although the correlation noticed is 100% this has not been properly verrified with trial work.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: IrelandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Insect-killing FungusMetarhizium was not effective enough at it's current dose. More work (nematodes & fungi) runs 2010-2013Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: SwedenForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Breeding parasite resistance in Populus. Enhancing the defence of conifer seedlings Emission of volatiles from conifer seedlings. The aim is to identify attractants and repellents for the pine weevil.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study the regeneration of Ontario Boreal Mixedwoods: Effects of Herbaceous Vegetation Control and Aspen Stem Density on Boreal Mixedwood Stand DevelopmentAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: NEBIE Trials - study the effects of different silvicultural intensitiesAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Weed