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- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Reduction of herbicide use for conifer stand establishment by minimizing harvesting site disturbance through training, equipment advances and monitoring.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study the effects of underplanting conifer seedlings within a commercially thinned forest without herbicide useAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study how large quick growing conifer planting stock will naturally compete with onsite vegetation without herbicidesAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Improved targetting of herbicide when applied with aircraft in a forestry application for conifer release and chemical site preparationAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Spray Safe Application Trial - An internationally collaborative program of field research to validate an advanced decision support system for use in aerial herbicide application program planning and post-treatment assessmentAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study the effects of early herbaceous and woody vegetation control on Eastern White PineAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Good management practicePest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Study the regeneration of Ontario Boreal Mixedwoods: Effects of Herbaceous Vegetation Control and Aspen Stem Density on Boreal Mixedwood Stand DevelopmentAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Weed
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern AmericaCountries: CanadaForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: NEBIE Trials - study the effects of different silvicultural intensitiesAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Weed