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- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Another successful example of biological control has been the rearing and release of the imported predatory beetle Rhizophagus grandis to control the great spruce bark beetle, Dendroctonus micans.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategy - BiocontrolPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Use of pathogenic organisms, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses, both directly within spray programmes and indirectly by manipulating populations of the pathogen, can result in regulation of pest populations with little or no impact on non-target organisms. There are few examples of microbial pesticides currently approved for use in British forestry. However, the bacterial agent Bacillus thuringiensis has been used successfully against many of the most serious lepidopteran defoliators globally. Particular success has been achieved against spruce budworm in North America and against gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) and nun moth (Lymantria monacha) in western and central Europe. Viral agents offer the highest levels of specificity and are often instrumental in the natural decline of populations of forest insects, many of which are pests. The potential use of baculoviruses against pine beauty moth (Panolis flammea) is described under the specific examples section (page 31). Successful control of European pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer) in young pine plantations was achieved with its specific baculovirus, registered as Virox, but this effective and selective control agent is no longer available since the registration has lapsed, due to the demise of the company distributing the virus.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategy - BiocontrolPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: IrelandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Insect-killing FungusMetarhizium was not effective enough at it's current dose. More work (nematodes & fungi) runs 2010-2013Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: IrelandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Fallowing Might be an option on upland sites where competing vegetation is not a major issue. As weevils only emerge from stumps for the first 4-5 years after felling, one obvious option would be to delay replanting until the number of emerging weevils falls below economically damaging levels.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Behaviour-modifying chemicals – particularly sex attractant pheromones, bark beetle attractants and host tree volatiles – can be used both to monitor pest populations and to prevent or divert attacks.Bark beetles, especially in the genus Ips, produce attractant chemicals, derived partially from thehost tree itself, to alert other beetles to the presence of suitable host material. These chemicalshave been identified and synthesised and many are available commercially. Ips typographus, theEuropean eight-toothed spruce bark beetle, is potentially one of the most dangerous pests ofspruce in Europe and is not yet present in Britain. Pheromone traps, baited with the I. typographusattractant, have been deployed at ports and wood processing yards for a number of years and haveallowed plant health inspectors to respond to infringements of import regulations. Other possibleuses of pheromones are to disrupt successful mating through saturation of the atmosphere so thatmales are unable to locate females within the general pheromone atmosphere. Alternativetechniques, such as target technology, can be used to attract pests to a source impregnated withinsecticides or microbial agents so that the pests can be killed without broadcast sprays of insecticide.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Mixtures can be used to provide an insurance when the risk of disease is not clear, e.g. it is recommended that wild cherry (Prunus avium) forms no more than 10% of any new or restocked woodland because of the risk of it succumbing to bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv.Morsprunorum). In some situations mixtures can effectively delay or reduce the build-up of a pest within a plantation, for example the use of a mixed beech/conifer plantation can reduce the impact of beech bark disease. However, it must be recognised that there are some disadvantages to mixtures in terms of ease of management and productivity.Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Disease
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: United KingdomForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: The adoption by the Forestry Commission in the 1960s of the non-pathogenic wood-rotting fungus Phlebiopsis (previously Peniophora) gigantea, now used under the name 'PG Suspension', for the treatment of pine stumps to prevent colonisation by Heterobasidion annosum, was a pioneering move that has been followed by other countriesAlternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: NoAlternative Type: Specific strategy - BiocontrolPest Type: Fungus
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: SwedenForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Combining a shelterwood system with scarification and feeding barriers, the mortality of spruce seedlings due to pine weevil could be reduced to below 10% in Sweden (Petersson 2004).7Alternative Method: ReductionActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: IrelandForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Stump removalIn 2012-2013 Coillte will investigate the extent to which stump removal impacts on Hylobius populations. Stump harvesting is currently being trialled in a number of European countries as a means of recovering biomass for fuel energy. It has been suggested that, as the removal of stumps reduces the availability of breeding sites for Hylobius, it may reduce Hylobius feeding damage on restocking sites (Egnell et al., 2007). Even if this is the case, stump harvesting could only ever be used on a small number of sites, given the potential environmental risks associated with harvesting stumps on unsuitable/nutrient poor sites (Moffatt et al., 2011).Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Specific strategyPest Type: Insect
- Author(s):Publication Year: 2014Source:Publication Type:Code:Sustainability dimension(s):Topics:Subtopics:Subject Keywords: Pesticides ChemicalsRegions: Northern Europe, EuropeCountries: SwedenForest Zones:Forest Type:Tenure Ownership:Tenure Management:Alternative Strategy: Breeding parasite resistance in Populus. Enhancing the defence of conifer seedlings Emission of volatiles from conifer seedlings. The aim is to identify attractants and repellents for the pine weevil.Alternative Method: RemovalActive Ingredient:Alternative Trial: YesAlternative Type: Ongoing researchPest Type: Insect