Pesticides alternative strategy for Removal of Animal (Mus musculus, Microtus, Mouse, Vole)

Publication Year: 2014
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Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
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Aldhous JR, Pesticides, pollutants, fertilizers and trees: Their role in forests and amenity woodlands, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
Alternative Strategy: Plastic tree guards protect young trees from mice/voles and other wildlife (such as deer). Spiral guards (20- to 30 cm high) or split plastic tubes can be fitted around the stem of the young trees. The spiral guards must be wound between branches and it is important to ensure that no gaps are left between the spirals. Alternatively, short conical plastic shelters (covers) can be pushed into the soil around the stem (to a minimum depth of 5 cm). In Britain, spiral guards and split tube guards reduced damage by 90% (Aldhous 1999). This method may be suitable for smaller areas with very vulnerable tree species.
Alternative Method: Removal
Active Ingredient:
Alternative Trial: No
Alternative Type: Specific strategy
Pest Type: Animal