Episode 52: It is a wrap! Take aways from the FSC 2022 General Assembly

Author(s): Worm, Loa Dalgaard
Publication Year: 2022-12-08
Publication Type: Podcast
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If there is one reoccurring event, which enables FSC to take giant leaps in development, it is the FSC General Assemblies where our members guide the directions they would like to see FSC develop in. In October 2022 the FSC General Assembly was held in Bali, Indonesia, and in this episode we summarize the main take aways from the FSC Board of Directors – what made them smile, discuss, worry? What was their main learnings? And what were the major decisions made? To help me get closer to the answers, I’ve invited Ivone Namikawa, representing the Economic chamber, Per Larsson, representing the Environmental chamber, and Zandra Martinez, representing the social chamber. This episode was bought to you by the main sponsors of the FSC General Assembly SIG, Arauco and National Wildlife Federation.
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Sponsors: This episode was bought to you by the main sponsors of the FSC General Assembly SIG, Arauco and National Wildlife Federation.
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Subject Keywords: general assembly fsc members fsc
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