Pesticides alternative strategy for Removal of Fungus (Cronartium flaccidum, Scots pine blister rust)

Publication Year: 2014
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Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
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Moricca S, Ragazzi A, Mitchelson KR, Assante G, 2001. Antagonism of the two-needle pine stem rust fungi Cronartium flaccidum and Peridermium pini by Cladosporium tenuissimum in vitro and in planta. Phytopathology, 91(5):457-468;
Moricca S, Ragazzi A, 2008. Biological and integrated means to control rust diseases. In: Integrated Management of Plant Pests and Diseases, 3 [ed. by Ciancio, A.Mukerji, K. G.]. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 303-329.
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
Regions: Northern America
Countries: United States of America
Forest Zones:
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Tenure Management:
Alternative Strategy: The hyperparasite Cladosporium tenuissimum is proposed by Moricca et al. (2001) as a possible means of control for stem rust. The aeciospores are directly penetrated and parasitized by the conidial fungus. Tests on two-year-old pine seedlings in the greenhouse showed that treatment with the parasite prevented new rust infections by an average of 42%.
Alternative Method: Removal
Active Ingredient:
Alternative Trial: No
Alternative Type: Specific strategy - Biocontrol
Pest Type: Fungus