Pesticides alternative strategy for Reduction of Weed (Weeds include a range of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaved weeds, germinating broadleaved weeds and exotic scrub species such as gorse, broom, buddleia and grasses.)

Publication Year: 2014
Publication Type:
Access to the Study: Open link
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier:
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
Regions: Australia and New Zealand, Oceania
Countries: New Zealand
Forest Zones:
Forest Type:
Tenure Ownership:
Tenure Management:
Alternative Strategy: Application Rate Reduction. Timberlands Limited have trialled different rates on the many weed species and infestation levels. This has allowed Timberlands Limited to best select the herbicide and rates for the control required. In most cases this has lead to an active ingredient rate being applied lower than recommended by the pesticide manufacturer and label detail. It should be noted that the rate of Terbuthylazine has reduced from around 20l/ha to between 12 and 15 l/ha over the past 15 years. These trials are continuing in conjunction with the flow metering and Callisto trials.
Alternative Method: Reduction
Active Ingredient:
Alternative Trial: Yes
Alternative Type: Good management practice
Pest Type: Weed