Pesticides alternative strategy for Replacement of Animal (Possum, Browsing mammals)

Publication Year: 2014
Publication Type:
Access to the Study:
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier:
Coleman JD, Pech RD, and Warburton B, 2006. Review of research into alternatives to the use of 1080 for the management of mammals in New Zealand, Lincoln, NZ.
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: Pesticides Chemicals
Regions: Australia and New Zealand, Oceania
Countries: New Zealand
Forest Zones:
Forest Type:
Tenure Ownership:
Tenure Management:
Alternative Strategy: In New Zealand, significant progress towards a bait-delivered contraceptive vaccine for possums is expected within the near future. The system of delivery still poses some challenges and immigration of fertile animals from non-treated areas may compensate for treatment effects. Population models indicated that fertility control can be effective where population reduction does not have to be as rapid as lethal techniques, or where the objective is to maintain a population at low levels established previously with exclusion or lethal techniques. Fertility control is not likely to be useful for short-term, localized management of browsing damage, e.g. during the establishment phase
Alternative Method: Replacement
Active Ingredient:
Alternative Trial: No
Alternative Type: Specific strategy
Pest Type: Animal