Episode 38 FSCs Technology wheel starting to spin, with Michael Marus, Marc Jessel and Scot McQueen, FSC International

Author(s): Worm, Loa Dalgaard
Publication Year: 2022-02-16
Publication Type: Podcast, Recording, oral
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STATUS OF THE YEAR In this episode we will take stock of 2021 as a year through the lens of digitalization in FSC. We will talk about technology and our innovations within technology both as tools for engagement, increased system user-friendliness and for assurance measures. We will talk about blockchain, systems integrity performance, risk-based interventions, and the revision of FSC Policy of Association. We will talk about how FSC is evolving within geospatial tools. And then we will of course talk about how it all interconnects and what we can expect in 2022. I have invited Marc Jessel, FSCs Chief Systems Integrity Officer, Scot McQueen, FSC Senior Technology Officer and of course Michael Marus, FSC Chief Information Officer and Director of IT to get me up to speed.
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: digitalisation blockchain FSC connect
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