FSC Controlled Wood Standard for Forest Management Enterprises

Author(s): FSC International Center FSC International Center
Publication Year:
Publication Type: Standard (STD), Standard (STD)
Code: FSC-STD-30-010
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Access to the Study:
Permanent Resource Identifier:
FSC Resource Identifier:
Collections: Normative Documents

This standard specifies basic requirements applicable at the forest management unit (FMU) level for forest management enterprises to demonstrate to a company or third party certification body that wood supplied is controlled. It allows forest management enterprises to provide evidence that the wood they supply has been controlled to avoid wood that is illegally harvested, harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights, harvested in forest management units in which high conservation values are threatened by management activities, harvested in areas in which forests are being converted to plantations or nonforest use or harvested from forests in which genetically modified tress are planted.

Access Rights:
Certification Body:
Version Number: 2-0, 2-0
Name of the Company:
License Code:
Relevance for FSC Standard Developers:
Submission Date:
Transition Date:
Review Year:
Effective Date: 2007-01-01, 2007-01-01
Sustainability dimension(s):
Subject Keywords: cw controlled std-30-010
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2019-07-29 14:12:20
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