Indirect Impacts of Certification on Tropical Forest Management and Public Policies

dc.contributor.authorViana, V.
dc.titleIndirect Impacts of Certification on Tropical Forest Management and Public Policiesen
dcterms.abstractForest certification has been conceived as a new instrument to promote sound forest management practices in all forest types, ranging from boreal to tropical rainforests (Viana et al. 1996; de Camino and Alfaro 1998; Bass 2000). In the process of structuring the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), it was hypothesized that forest certification would become a catalyst of change of tropical forest management (Viana 1995). The objective of this paper is to assess this prediction in relation to natural forest management.en
dcterms.accessRightsOpen access
dcterms.bibliographicCitationViana, V., 2003. Indirect impacts of certification on tropical forest management and public policies. Social and political dimensions of forest certification.en
dcterms.licenseCopyrighted; all rights reserveden
dcterms.typeBook Chapter
fsc.evidenceCategoryFSC impact-related
fsc.focus.forestTypeNatural Forest
fsc.focus.sustainDimensionPolitical, legal, systemic
fsc.issue.socialLocal communities
fsc.issue.socialIndigenous peoples
fsc.topic.politicalNational Forest Policy
fsc.topic.socialConsultation, participation, empowerment
is.availability.fullTextFull text available
is.contributor.funderTypePrivate funds (NGOs, companies, VSS self-funded etc)
is.contributor.memberForest Stewardship Council
is.coverage.regionSouth America
is.evaluation.collectionInterviews/surveys with certified entities and their representatives and workers/producers
is.evaluation.quotesThere are several categories of indirect impacts of certification: (i) institutional policies and roles, (ii) dialog and partnerships, (iii) funding for forest-oriented activities, (iv) investment in forest technologies, (v) private sector investment, (vi) community investment. The main objective of this study is to analyze the indirect impacts of certification.
is.evaluation.quotesTo the private companies certification represents a risk reduction factor. The likelihood of encountering social and political problems with local communities and environmental groups is perceived as smaller in certified operations than in non-certified ones. In the case governmental agencies. In addition, there are the potential financial gains that can be derived from certification in terms of market access, corporate image, prices and staff morale. This perceived lower risk increases the willingness to invest in forest-related activities and programs.
is.evaluation.quotesIn the case of government staff and elected officials, certification is seen as a way to reduce potential criticism by environmental and social movements regarding forest management. Many governmental agencies have moved from a period of strong resistance to outside control to awareness of the potential benefits of certification in reducing monitoring costs and in promoting sound forest management systems. There are several cases where certification has become an explicit public policy instrument.
is.evaluation.quotesCertification has acted as a risk reduction factor to decision-makers. Political leaders, especially those committed to sustainable development policies, are often unwilling to take the risk of developing policies to encourage forest management. Forest management is seen as a complicated issue, with great potential for criticism from environmental NGOs andsocial movements. There is also a lack of success stories on which to base policies. Certification reduces the perception of risk for political leaders as it brings broad support from a variety of stakeholders related to forestry. Certification also enhances recognition of the management capacity of forest communities (von Kruedener 1997).
is.evaluation.quotesInstitutional policies of NGOs towards forest management have altered dramatically and a great deal of this change results from the certification. Several environmental NGOs have come from a paradigm of promoting conservation through strict nature protection only. In many cases, there was little understanding of the potential of forest management as a part of a broad conservation strategy. Certification has given an opportunity to international NGOs to change paradigms and institutional policies towards forest management.
is.evaluation.quotesThe impacts of certification on fostering dialogue have spread beyond the scope of FSC-related activities and have fueled greater participation in the process of formulating public policies
is.evidenceSubTypeDescriptive information - contextual and operational
is.evidenceTypeDescriptive information
is.focus.productsTimber products
is.focus.sdgSDG 15 - Life on Land
is.focus.sustainIssueParticipant costs and benefits
is.focus.sustainIssueRights of indigenous peoples and local communities
is.focus.sustainIssueForests and other ecosystems
is.focus.sustainLensAudits and assurance
is.focus.sustainOutcomeMarket access
is.focus.sustainOutcomePrice premiums
is.focus.sustainOutcomeLand tenure
is.focus.sustainOutcomeGovernance mechanisms
is.focus.sustainOutcomeDeforestation and forest protection
is.focus.systemElementMandE outcomes and impacts
is.focus.systemElementMandE performance monitoring
is.identifier.schemeNameForest Stewardship Council
is.identifier.schemeTypeVoluntary Sustainability Standards