An Examination of Forest Certification Status Among Logging Companies in Cameroon
This paper assesses the level of interest, awareness, and adoption of ISO 14001 and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certi cation schemes among logging companies in Cameroon. Eleven logging companies located in Douala in the Littoral Region of Cameroon were assessed through a structured interview using an administered questionnaire which was mostly analyzed qualitatively therea er. e ndings indicated that none of the companies was certi ed for ISO 14001; however 63.64% of them were already FSC-certi ed. Four companies (36.36%) were neither FSC- nor ISO 14001 EMS-certi ed. Among the factors found to in uence the adoption rate was the level of awareness about ISO 14001 and FSC certi cation schemes. e main drivers for pursuing FSC certi cation were easy penetration into international 1.4. Markets, tax holiday bene ts, and enhancement of corporate image of the logging companies through corporate social responsibility ful llments. Poor domestic 1.4. Market for certi ed products was found to be the major impediment to get certi ed. To make logging activities more environmentally friendly and socially acceptable, logging companies should be encouraged to get certi ed through the ISO 14001 EMS scheme which is almost nonexistent so far. is requires awareness creation about the scheme, encouraging domestic 1.4. Markets for certi ed products and creating policy incentives.