Global Forest Governance: Emerging impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council

dc.contributor.authorBass, S.
dc.contributor.authorGuéneau, S.
dc.titleGlobal Forest Governance: Emerging impacts of the Forest Stewardship Councilen
dcterms.accessRightsOpen access
dcterms.bibliographicCitationBass, S., Guéneau, S. Global Forest Governance: Emerging impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council.en
dcterms.licenseCopyrighted; all rights reserveden
dcterms.publisherInternational Institute for Environment and Development
dcterms.typeWorking Paper
fsc.evidenceCategoryFSC impact-related
fsc.focus.sustainDimensionPolitical, legal, systemic
is.availability.fullTextFull text available
is.contributor.memberForest Stewardship Council
is.evaluation.collectionCompany/certified entities /co-op data records
is.evaluation.quotes"Perhaps because FSC has aimed at high standards and involved multiple stakeholders, there have been significant, positive impacts on governance."
is.evaluation.quotes"In general, because certification focuses on individual forests, it has turned forest policy and debate from the abstract, to real and case-based, and it has increased expectations of transparency. Some individual certificates have ‘fast-tracked' nationalpolicy, especially where they have been contentious, or concern the certification of state-owned forests. The governance effect of certification has naturally been more pronounced in relation to commercial forests. Conservation forest or livelihood forests (on which the poor may depend) have been comparatively neglected – this could turn out to be a negative impact. There has also not yet been much sensible rationalisation of state-run nationwide forest monitoring (which are often weak) with certification, which is specific to individual forests – with potential information synergies and cost-savings not being realised."
is.evaluation.quotes"At the local level, the certification process requires the rights of all stakeholders to be recognised, and positive stakeholder relations. Forest-based people and communities surrounding certified forests, for example, tend to be better off in terms of their security of forest goods and services (gaining access for recreation, fuelwood collection, grazing rights, etc). And smaller certified producers themselves tend to be better recognised by government authorities, with some examples of such producers being invited to engage on policy issues."
is.evaluation.quotes"There are signs that FSC is having an impact at the global level.": including..a) development of a global 'lingua franca' on sustainable forestry, b) a 'race to the top' incentive c) a means to handle subsidiarity d) a means to support and link different policy communities e) improved equity in recognising stakeholder rights and roles and realising benefits f) influence on, and integration with, intergovernmental organisations g) a new form of forest law.
is.evidenceSubTypeSynthesis paper - literature review
is.evidenceTypeSynthesis paper
is.focus.productsForestry products
is.focus.sdgSDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
is.focus.sustainIssueConsumers and supply chains
is.focus.sustainIssueParticipant costs and benefits
is.focus.sustainIssueRights of indigenous peoples and local communities
is.focus.sustainIssueForests and other ecosystems
is.focus.sustainLensTransnational governance
is.focus.sustainLensAudits and assurance
is.focus.sustainLensSupply chain benefits
is.focus.sustainOutcomeSustainability Claims
is.focus.sustainOutcomeMarket access
is.focus.sustainOutcomeGovernance mechanisms
is.focus.sustainOutcomeDeforestation and forest protection
is.focus.systemElementMandE outcomes and impacts
is.focus.systemElementMandE performance monitoring
is.identifier.schemeNameForest Stewardship Council
is.identifier.schemeTypeVoluntary Sustainability Standards