Forest plantations' investments in social services and local infrastructure: an analysis of private, FSC certified and state-owned, non-certified plantations in rural Tanzania

Author(s): Degnet, M.B. Werf, E. van der Ingram, V. Wesseler, J.H.H.
Publication Year: 2018
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source: Land Use Policy (79, 63-83)
Access to the Study:
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier: Open link
Collections: FSC Research Portal

(not yet curated)

Sustainability dimension(s): 3. Social
Subject Keywords:
Regions: Africa
Countries: United Republic of Tanzania
Forest Zones: Tropical
Forest Type: Plantation
Tenure Ownership: (not yet curated)
Tenure Management: (not yet curated)
Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
Evidence Type: Comparative study with matched control
Evidence Subtype: Data collected post-intervention
Data Type: Mixed methods