Multiple patterns of forest disturbance and logging shape forest landscapes in Paragominas, Brazil.

dc.contributor.authorTritsch, I.
dc.contributor.authorSist, P.
dc.contributor.authorNarvaes, I.S.
dc.contributor.authorMazzei, L.
dc.contributor.authorBlanc, L.
dc.contributor.authorBourgoin, C.
dc.contributor.authorCornu, G.
dc.contributor.authorGond, V.
dc.titleMultiple patterns of forest disturbance and logging shape forest landscapes in Paragominas, Brazil.en
dcterms.abstractIn the Brazilian Amazon, multiple logging activities are undergoing, involving different actors and interests. They shape a disturbance gradient bound to the intensity and frequency of logging, and forest management techniques. However, until now, few studies have been carried out at the landscape scale taking into account these multiple types of logging and this disturbance gradient. Here we address this issue of how to account for the multiple logging activities shaping the current forest landscape. We developed an inexpensive and efficient remote sensing methodology based on Landsat imagery to detect and track logging activity based on the monitoring of canopy openings. Then, we implemented a set of remote sensing indicators to follow the different trajectories of forest disturbance through time. Using these indicators, we emphasized five major spatial and temporal disturbance patterns occurring in the municipality of Paragominas (State of Pará, Brazilian Amazon), from well-managed forests to highly over-logged forests. Our disturbance indicators provide observable evidence for the difference between legal and illegal patterns, with some illegal areas having suffered more than three explorations in fifteen years. They also clearly underlined the efficiency of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) techniques applied under Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) guidelines to reduce the logging impacts in terms of canopy openings. For these reasons, we argue the need to promote legal certified logging to conserve forests, as without them, many actors mine the forest resources without any concerns for future stocks. Finally, our remote tracking methodology, which produces easy to interpret disturbance indicators, could be a real boon to forest managers, including for conservationists working in protected areas and stakeholders dealing with international trade rules such as RBUE (Wood regulation of European Union) or FLEGT (Forest Law for Enforcement, Governance and Trade).en
dcterms.accessRightsOpen access
dcterms.bibliographicCitationTritsch, I., Sist, P., Narvaes, I.D.S., Mazzei, L., Blanc, L., Bourgoin, C., Cornu, G. and Gond, V., 2016. Multiple patterns of forest disturbance and logging shape forest landscapes in Paragominas, Brazil. Forests, 7(12), p.315.en
dcterms.typeJournal Article
fsc.evidenceCategoryFSC impact-related
fsc.issue.environmentalForest disturbance, forest deagradation
fsc.issue.environmentalDeforestation, tree cover loss
fsc.subjectIllegal logging
fsc.subjectTree cover loss
fsc.topic.environmentalIllegal logging
is.availability.fullTextFull text available
is.contributor.funderTypePrivate funds (NGOs, companies, VSS self-funded etc)
is.contributor.memberForest Stewardship Council
is.coverage.regionSouth America
is.evaluation.collectionMapping e.g. remote sensing
is.evaluation.dataSourceIndependent researcher data
is.evaluation.findingsDuring the study period, the cumulative disturbance was on average only 5% in FSC certified forests, while it was 12% in conventionally logged forests, and reached 35% in forests with undefined logging practices.
is.evaluation.findingsOver a 15 years period, FSC certified and conventionally logged forests were logged only once, while forests with undefined logging practices were logged almost three times. This result clearly suggests that the most impacted forests were illegally logged.
is.evaluation.findingsThe comparison of four disturbance indicators (concerning forest canopy opening) in conventionally logged and certified forests shows the positive effect of FSC certification in reducing the impacts of logging.
is.evaluation.findingsThe authors conclude that their disturbance 'indicators showed that the patterns of forest disturbance through time are much more favorable for forest cover inside a logging company with a FSC certified forest management plan than outside, where many actors mine the forest resources without any concerns for future stocks.'
is.evaluation.notesThe main shortcoming of the study is that its uses only descriptive analysis - no statistics are used. Even though the trends observed are clear, inferential statistics should have been used to be able to draw robust conclusions on the effect of management practice / FSC certification.
is.evaluation.scopeThis study proposes a method to detect, track and evaluate the impact of forestry activities and the associated management practice at the landscape scale using satellite images. It then uses this method to compare conventionally logged forests, FSC certified forests and forests with unknown management practice according to disturbance indicators in Brazil. This comparison is conducted along a 15 years period.
is.evaluation.significanceStatistically significant
is.evidenceSubTypeEmpirical study - with matched control, data collected post-intervention
is.evidenceTypeEmpirical study
is.focus.productsOther forestry and logging
is.focus.sdgSDG 15 - Life on Land
is.focus.sustainIssueForests and other ecosystems
is.focus.sustainLensLandscape approaches
is.focus.sustainOutcomeDeforestation and forest protection
is.focus.systemElementMandE outcomes and impacts
is.focus.systemElementMandE performance monitoring
is.identifier.schemeNameForest Stewardship Council
is.identifier.schemeTypeVoluntary Sustainability Standards
is.item.reviewStatusPeer reviewed