Effects of human land-use on Africa's only forest-dependent felid: The African golden cat Caracal aurata.

dc.contributor.authorBahaa-el-din, L.
dc.contributor.authorHunter, L.T.B.
dc.contributor.authorSlotow, R.
dc.contributor.authorMacDonald, D.W.
dc.contributor.authorHenschel, P.
dc.titleEffects of human land-use on Africa's only forest-dependent felid: The African golden cat Caracal aurata.en
dcterms.accessRightsLimited access
dcterms.bibliographicCitationBahaa-el-din, L. et al. 2016. Effects of human land-use on Africa's only forest-dependent felid: The African golden cat Caracal aurata. Biological Conservation.en
dcterms.typeJournal Article
fsc.evidenceCategoryFSC impact-related
fsc.focus.forestTypeNatural Forest
fsc.subjectAnimal biodiversity
fsc.topic.environmentalAnimal biodiversity
is.availability.fullTextFull text available
is.contributor.memberForest Stewardship Council
is.coverage.regionWestern Africa
is.evaluation.findingsThe density of golden cats in a pristine forest in a national park was higher than in an FSC-certified concession
is.evaluation.findingsThe density of golden cats in an FSC-certified concession was higher than in an uncertified concession.
is.evaluation.notesThe main shortcoming of the study is that only one FSC-certified concession is studied, which is moreover influenced by another key environmental parameter (a national park, see below). So the statistical power of the study is relatively weak and one should be cautious when attributing the effect of certification to the observed result.
is.evaluation.quotesThere was a general trend towards lower population density with increased human disturbance. The Pristine site had the highest density estimate. The two logging concessions had the next highest density estimates, with the FSC-logged site having a slightly higher estimate.
is.evaluation.quotesOur estimates of density in the two logging concessions (FSC-logged and Logged) were the 2nd and 3rd highest among our study sites, confirming that golden cats can reach important densities in forests structurally impacted by commercial timber exploitation.
is.evaluation.quotesvan Kreveld and Roerhorst (2009) found that apes, including gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos, benefit from FSC-certification due to the FSC requirements to block and guard roads to reduce poaching, as well as protect fruiting trees.
is.evaluation.quotesThe authors mention that "both logging concessions included in this study were within 10 km of a national park boundary and it is as yet unclear how disturbance would affect an isolated golden cat population away from a large source population within a protected area."' This parameter weakens the power of the conclusion at it is difficult to solely attribute the high cat density in the FSC-certified concession to the certification itself.
is.evaluation.quotesour findings that golden cats can be found at relatively high densities within well- managed logging concessions suggests that these areas should also be considered important for conservation efforts, including post- extraction management to avoid further human encroachment of forests that have been made accessible by logging activities.
is.evaluation.scopeThis study compares the density of the African golden cat across five sites in Gabon reflecting a gradient of human disturbance, including one FSC-certified logging concession. The authors hypothesized that within the FSC-certified logging concession higher density of golden cats should be found thanks to regulations on hunting and structural damage to the forest.
is.evaluation.significanceStatistically significant
is.evidenceSubTypeEmpirical study - qualitative
is.evidenceTypeEmpirical study
is.focus.systemElementMandE outcomes and impacts
is.focus.systemElementMandE performance monitoring
is.identifier.schemeNameForest Stewardship Council
is.identifier.schemeTypeVoluntary Sustainability Standards
is.item.reviewStatusPeer reviewed
is.journalNameBiological Conservation