Quantifying mammal biodiversity co-benefits in certified tropical forests.

Author(s): Sollmann, R. Mohamed, A. Niedballa, J. Bender, J. Ambu, L.
+ 6
Publication Year: 2017
Publication Type: Journal Article
Source: Diversity and Distributions
Access to the Study:
Permanent Resource Identifier: Open link
FSC Resource Identifier: Open link
Collections: FSC Research Portal

Financial incentives to manage forests sustainably, such as certification or carbon storage payments, are assumed to have co-benefits for biodiversity conservation. This claim remains little studied for rain forest mammals, which are particularly threatened, but challenging to survey.

Sollmann, R., Mohamed, A., Niedballa, J., Bender, J., Ambu, L., Lagan, P., Mannan, S., Ong, R.C., Langner, A., Gardner, B. and Wilting, A., 2017. Quantifying mammal biodiversity co-benefits in certified tropical forests. Diversity and Distributions, 23(3), pp.317-328
Access Rights: Public, Open access
Certification Body:
Version Number:
Name of the Company:
License Code:
Relevance for FSC Standard Developers:
Sustainability dimension(s): Environmental
Subtopics: Compositional diversity Climate
Subject Keywords: Carbon stock Carbon dioxide emissions Biodiversity
Regions: Asia
Countries: Indonesia
Forest Zones: Tropical
Forest Type: (not yet curated)
Tenure Ownership: Private
Tenure Management: Private
Evidence Category: FSC effect-related studies
Evidence Type: Comparative study with matched control
Evidence Subtype: Data collected before and after intervention
Data Type: Field Measurements